
International Seminar on Athlete Care and Sports Performance in CJCU


In response to trends in sports technology development, Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) organized the “2023 CJCU International Seminar and invited three international scholars on Athlete Care and Sports Performance” on November 3, an academic event jointly organized by on and off campus units with the purpose to promote academia interaction and exchange in this changing sport technology field.
By Tsai Chiao Yu & Yu Ting Yu

促進國際學術交流 長榮大學舉辦運動員照護與運動表現國際學術講座運動員照護與運動表現國際學術講座大合照新加坡國立大學 (National University of Singapore) Prof.  Kai Wei, Jason Lee以視訊連線方式分享訓練生理與運動表現研究松山大學田中英登教授分享因應炎熱天氣之局部冷卻的效果-電熱冷卻的局部冷卻的效果橫濱國立大學木村昌彥學部長分享日本柔道中強化體系與輔導拜訪盧彥勳國際網球學院與盧彥勳合影

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