
CJCU Recognized as the Best 30 Private University in Taiwan for Excellence in Teaching


The Global Views Monthly recently released its ranking of 2023 Best Universities and Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) was ranked on the top 30, a remarkable progress. At the same time,CJCU was one of the best universities that offers excellent  humanity and cultural education, jumping for eight spots to the 22 nd position.

The Monthly pointed out that “features” set top universities from others. In the future, CJCU will continuously pursue its international vision on sustainable education and academic freedom and contribute to higher education in Taiwan.

遠見雜誌公布2023最佳大學排行榜,長榮大學入選私立大學前30強長榮大學入選私立大學前30強,相較去年大幅前進6名。 圖片引用遠見雜誌長榮大學入選人文社科大學前30強,相較去年大躍進8名。 圖片引用遠見雜誌長榮大學志在成為南臺灣最好的私立大學長榮大學辦學績效深受肯定代表長榮大學精神的竹構建築長榮堂

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