
CJCU's Overseas Language Study and Cultural Immersion Tour to Thailand.


From January 21 to February 3, the Language Education Center of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) organized a two-week overseas language study and cultural immersion tour to Phuket Campus of Prince of Songkla University in Thailand. Sixteen students various departments including the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies, the Bachelor Degree Program in Southeast Asian Cultures and Industries, the Department of International Business, the Bachelor Degree Program in Fire Safety Sciences, the Department of Finance, the Department of Aviation and Maritime Transportation Management, the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, and the Bachelor Degree Program in Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries, took a part to improve their English proficiency,broaden global horizons, and strength cross-cultural communication skills.

By Lin You Hong
泰精彩! 長榮大學泰國海外語言暨文化沉浸學習之旅完美落幕與泰國學伴相見歡文化課:泰國舞蹈學習文化快閃:台泰學生一起跳泰國舞蹈文化快閃:台灣原住民舞蹈介紹英文課程小組討論文化課:泰國傳統美食製作


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