
EPA Recognized Award Winning of International Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Eco-center


The International Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Eco-center of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) won the High Distinction Award of the 2nd Half 2022 Environment Day Competition organized by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) with its environmental education grant program provided by the EPA in the same year. On November 12, the Center demonstrated its achievements at a booth in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park and participated in the award ceremony.

The program was carried out in diverse forms including parent-child learning, eco-tours, ecological exploration at parks, teacher training, promotion of community industry, cultural experience, and Jane Goodall’s on-campus seminars to call for public awareness and concrete actions towards sustainability. Director Liu Bi-Chu of the Center said the program is designed comprehensively from different aspects in life such as history, geography, aesthetics, and ecology to develop environmental senses and reflective abilities and in the future, the Center will include environmental action and public participation in the program to help to find out practical solutions to environmental problems.

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