
A Collaboration Project of CJCU with Tsuruya Department Store in Japan


Led by President Kuga of Tsuruya Department Store in Japan, an internship partner with the Department of Applied Japanese Language of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU), the delegation visited CJCU to discuss the collaboration for the agricultural product exhibition. President Kuga was amazed by the taste of CJCU’s award winning beer and looked forward to CJCU’s participation in the Exhibition in October. CJCU President, Lee Yung-Lung, said he has confidence in CJCU’s products and will prepare to assist the Exhibition with all efforts. Introduced by President Kuga, the Department first signed the internship cooperation agreement with the Kumamoto Chamber of Commerce & Industry in 2018. Over the past couple of years, matched by the Chamber, the Department also signed short-term internship cooperation agreements with Higo Bank Kumamoto, Nikko Hotels, Noda Electronics and others in property management and airport retailing in Kumamoto, Japan to provide students with valuable internship opportunities.


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