The CJCU campus and its boarding facilities provide a comfortable, convenient and safe learning environment that is supportive for the student’s physical and mental health. The four dormitories have in total about 3,000 slots. For those students living outside of school, we recommend high quality accommodations, conducting safety inspections, and cooperating with the local neighborhood patrol to maintain a safe community.
The dorm facilities include triple and quad rooms with A/C, broadband Internet, hot water supply, coin-operated washing machines and spin dryers, and lounges. The school also provides convenience stores, a bookstore, cafeteria, ATM, study center, reading rooms and so on.
We have securities on duty for 24 hours conducting security monitoring to provide students with a safe environment.
We have a multi-purpose stadium, athletic field, fitness center, camping area, orchards and so on; These not only allow students to strengthen physical ability, but also a place where students can develop friendships.
Other than the dorms, every school building is equipped with a security system. Military Training Instructors are on duty 24 hours to maintain campus’ security. Security guards also conduct regular and irregular campus patrols every day.