
“This is not a job, it’s my life mission,” said Chen,Yan-Jyun , the 62 nd Term of Taiwan Youth Top Ten & CJCU DSW Alumnus of Class 2008


The 62 nd Taiwan Youth Top Ten ceremony was held on October 5. Chen,Yan-Jyun  an alumnus of Department of Social Work (DSW) of Class 2008 of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) was awarded among 175 competitors. Chen now serves as the Director of Bornanew Youth Caring Association where Chen has been working for after graduating from CJCU and devoted to life of youth with a criminal record.

Chen recalled the first time when she walking in the Agency of Corrections, she knew that’s her life mission to help those with a criminal record. She shared that they are the most advantaged and are often ignored and labeled as criminals by the society.They had difficulty to reintegrate in society.

She talked about her job that allows her to bring miracles to their life. She hoped that with the receiving of the Top 10 Youth award, she is able to call for more caring for youth with a criminal record with understanding and tolerance and without labeling.

By Sally I. C. Wu

社工系 97 級系友陳彥君當選第 62 屆十大傑出青年



第 62 屆十大傑出青年獲獎名單




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