
CJCU’s Thirty-First Anniversary Celebration and Thanksgiving Services: Celebrating for Glory and Future Prospects


Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) on November 14, 2024 held the “Thirty-First CKCU Anniversary and Thanksgiving Services” at CJCU Hall where 130 attendees including board members, honorable guests, and students and faculty.

The CJCU Handbell Ringers first played “A Song of Celebration” to lead the congregation into the Hall. The Moderator of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan shared his message by reciting “Profitable unto You” from the New Testament.CJCU President Dr. Lee Yung-Lung was thankful with God’s blessings that guide CJCU over the past 31 years cultivated more than 50,000 alumni who make great contribution to society. His gratitude also went to the Borad of Directors and students and faculty for big supports and endless effort to grow CJCU during his 29 service years. He inspired the attendees that strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.

By Sally I.C. Wu
長榮大學三十一週年校慶感恩禮拜獻禮-感恩禱告校慶感恩禮拜-陳信良董事長(中)  、李泳龍校長(右)、孫惠民副校長(左)獻禮台灣基督長老教會總會議長Fuyan Suda張培理牧師趙培文老師以渾厚優質美聲唱出「主禱文」手鐘團音樂演出師生詩班獻詩-主,我們感謝祢校慶感恩禮拜-長榮大學董事會及教職團隊三十一週年校慶感恩禮拜於長榮堂舉行

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